The Wondrous History of Natural Turquoise Beads
The history of natural turquoise stone beads dates back to ancient times when man first discovered the gorgeous blue stones and began using them to create pieces of jewelry. At first, they were used as talismans and good luck charms, but as their popularity grew, they became fashionable pieces that people in all social classes wore with pride. While the history of natural turquoise beads stretches back thousands of years, there are still some interesting facts about the gemstone that many people don’t know about. Here are five fascinating facts about this beautiful stone!
Ancient Times
For centuries, natural turquoise beads have been used for everything from jewelry to art. The earliest known use of turquoise dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used in burial masks and other jewelry. In the middle Ages, turquoise was believed to have special powers and was used as a talisman to protect against evil. The stone was also popular in Native American cultures and was often used in trade. Today, natural turquoise is still prized for its beauty and unique color. It is now mainly used in jewelry and for making ornamental objects such as vases or bowls. It can also be turned into precious heirlooms by setting them into silver or gold rings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, brooches, and earrings. Natural turquoise has become increasingly rare over time because the veins that produce this lovely gem are found deep on Earth's surface.
The history of natural turquoise beads can be traced back to Mesoamerica, where the gemstone was first used by the ancient Maya and Aztec cultures. These cultures believed that turquoise had magical powers and used it in their rituals and ceremonies. The Spanish conquistadors were fascinated by the stone and took large quantities of it back to Europe, where it became very popular. Today, natural turquoise is still prized for its beauty and is used in a variety of jewelry designs. However, most turquoise on the market today is actually dyed blue-green or even greenish yellow. Fortunately, many quality dealers specialize in genuine natural turquoise and offer customers an opportunity to buy high-quality gemstones at reasonable prices. Many of these specialists sell unaltered gems in their original state, meaning they are completely untreated with dye. The only way to distinguish a natural turquoise bead from one that has been treated with dye is through testing or examination under magnification.
Native Americans
The first people to adorn themselves with turquoise were the Native Americans. For them, the sky-blue gemstone was a symbol of good luck and protection. Loose gemstones were also thought to have healing properties and were used in ceremonies to promote health and well-being. To release negative energy, for example, some Native American tribes would create a string of turquoise beads and then break it into pieces. They believed that by doing so they would not only release negative energy but also encourage positive feelings to enter their lives instead. Today, many people still use this custom when they feel they need to release negativity from their lives. You can purchase strands of natural blue turquoise beads at your local bead store or on websites like Etsy or Amazon. Just remember to take care of these delicate gems properly so you can enjoy their healing powers for many years to come! You can buy gemstones on our site at a very reasonable price.
Navajo Indians
The Navajo Indians are a Native American tribe that has a long and rich history. One of the things they are most well-known for is their beautiful and intricate jewelry. A lot of their jewelry features natural turquoise beads, which are said to bring good luck and protect the wearer from harm. The Navajo Indians have been making turquoise gemstone beads jewelry for centuries, and it is still a popular tradition today. It's also one of the main sources of income for many families in New Mexico. In addition to its spiritual significance, turquoise has many practical uses as well - it can be used as a dye in pottery or weaving; powdered as a mild abrasive; made into small objects like rings or pendants; or turned into drinking cups called kivas. Turquoise was once so rare that miners would travel hundreds of miles just to get some! But now we've got turquoise all over the world, thanks to manmade synthetics. As far as our Navajo friends go, though? They're always going to keep using natural turquoise for their jewelry because it's such an important part of their culture!
In Modern Times
Turquoise beads and also cabochons have been around for centuries and have been used in everything from jewelry to art. The history of these beautiful beads is fascinating, and they have been treasured by many cultures throughout the years. They are prized for their aesthetic beauty and their ability to absorb negative energy. It’s said that carrying a turquoise bead can be an effective means of warding off bad luck or illness.
In ancient times, people believed that wearing turquoise loose cabochons would protect them from evil spirits and nightmares, as well as bring peace and happiness into their lives. A gift of turquoise was often given to friends or family members at weddings as a sign of love and good wishes. A Persian legend states that if you wear this gemstone during childbirth, it will help ensure safe delivery. Some Native American tribes believe that turquoise gives courage to those who wear it while others say it protects against the evil eye.
From its humble beginnings as a common rock to its elevated status as a coveted gem, natural turquoise loose beads have a long and fascinating history. For centuries, this beautiful stone has been used in jewelry and other ornamental objects. Today, it is still highly prized by collectors and turquoise lovers alike. Thanks to its unique color and properties, natural turquoise continues to be one of the most popular gemstones on the market. A wide variety of pieces are available to suit every budget. Whether you’re looking for a simple strand of beads or something more elaborate, there’s something out there for everyone!
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